Periodontics | Anita Ankova Dental Clinic

Periodontal Treatments


This specialty is related to the care of oral tissues such as the gums and bone support. It is vitally important to detect different pathologies in the oral cavity, as the gums and bone are the foundations of our teeth. Poor or incorrect hygiene is often the starting factor for these diseases. Bacterial proliferation and diseases like diabetes, smoking habits, and alcohol consumption can be factors that aggravate these conditions. These types of pathologies need to be treated to prevent them from becoming chronic.

Inflammation and bleeding indicate the onset of the disease, this stage is known as gingivitis and is the mildest form. It is detected with regular brushing where bleeding and inflammation are observed and should be treated and stopped before advancing to chronic forms such as mild/moderate periodontitis. In this phase, we can detect loss of gum and bone, which is visually observed with gum recession. Once the loss of support begins, if untreated, it can progress to advanced/severe periodontitis, during which inflammation, bleeding, gum recession, bad breath, even suppuration, tooth mobility, and tooth loss are detected. In the chronic phases, we must schedule a plan for reviews and maintenance every 3-6 months, as it is crucial not to allow calculus and bacteria to uncontrollably re-enter the gums.